Monday 21 January 2013

More Updates

So much has been happening with Raessa Marketing and design it is difficult to put it all together in one post and make sure I have it all down.

First off I will begin with some of the more extreme changes. Still at the same location however we have revamped the building so we are now able to separate out our products as well as have departments so clients can quickly and easily see and find what they are looking for.

As well as separation of products we are also expanding our inventory to more creative avenues. For the FHG and Skippy-do Adventure hunt we are building transferrable birthday and rez day cards for friends and family alike and for the children we are making a book - The Princess and the Pea as written by Hans Christen Anderson.

All of this is very exciting with hopes of sharing more of our accomplishments as they rise.

Thursday 10 January 2013

In the beginning

a lot of the time people begin their stories near or at the end. well for raessa marketing and design, this is the beginning. we have set up our store front, moved to a more permanent location and begun some small time advertising.

this is our beginning and i for one and very excited about it. we have worked hard to get just this far and will work all the more to become successful. for now we will continue our small time advertising, participate in as many hunts as we can and continue to provide only the best service to our clients.