Saturday, 16 February 2013

Release Your Inner Neko Hunt!

Raessa Presents: Release Your Inner Neko Hunt

A hunt for both Adult AND Child avatars. Please Apply In World : Raessa Marketing and Design : Click the sign for information and application.

* The hunt sign will double as a hint provider, it is encouraged to set the hint the day before the hunt, when you place your hunt object.
* This will be a grid-wide hunt, unlimited stores.
* There will be 10 Sponsor positions available for $L 200
    - You will receive a position within the top 20 stores - organized as payment is        received 
    - Your store logo will be added to the Raessa Blog as well as in-world on our        sponsor board beginning from time of sponsor application acceptance until the    end of the hunt.
Requirements for this hunt:
* You must join the Raessa Hunt Group
* Objects must be created specifically for this hunt and created by your store to show the high quality of the products you provide.
* Do NOT box your gift.
* Do NOT make the hunt object smaller. It can be made larger and the color may be changed.
* Do NOT hide the hunt object within or behind another object - these hunts are meant to be fun not an impossible challenge.

Application Deadline: April 28th  - Any applications received after this date will not be accepted.
Sponsor Application Deadline: May 5 th
Hunt Gift Texture (FULL PERMISSIONS) and Hint Due: May 13th
Hunt Sign Check: May 14 th
Hunt Item sent: May 15 th
Hunt Item and Hint Check: May 18 th ; May 19th
Hunt Begins: May 20th
Hunt Ends: June 20 th 

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